I'm Aliki (Greek for Alice), a digital creator and transformational life coach, creating content to nurture your awareness of the wisdom and wellbeing you already have within you.
In other words, I help you discover who you are beyond your mind-made identity.
My Story
Something profound happened to me in my fifties that I'd like to briefly share with you here. Three insights over a period of three years completely transformed my experience of life and my world went from stressed to blessed.
Through these insights, my thoughts released their grip on me, my emotions stabilized, and I experienced the freedom I had always longed for—freedom from habitual anxiety, overthinking, and the constant search for fulfilment.
When this happened, the beauty and richness of life were unveiled, and I experienced the joy and peace of simply being alive.
It all started when I woke up from the world of my mind...
Insight #1: Thought
In 2018, while training to become a transformational life coach, I immersed myself in the wisdom of great spiritual teachers. One afternoon, just a month into this journey, I experienced a huge shift in consciousness. It felt like stepping back from myself and gaining a new perspective on everything.
In that moment, I awakened from the grip of my thinking mind and realized I am not my thoughts; I am the awareness that observes them. Spontaneously, I stopped believing those troublesome thoughts and the result was a delightful absence of stress that continues to this day. In other words, I became happy.
Insight #2: Resistance
In 2019, I was running online awareness challenges, teaching that we all have innate well-being when we stop being married to our thoughts. Around that time, a dear friend gave me a book called, "The Untethered Soul" by Michael A. Singer. As I read, an awareness came over me and I saw, for the first time, that I had spent decades living in a personal universe fortified by fear.
Every time life didn’t match my preferences, I blamed it on someone or something and made myself miserable. I had complicated strategies to avoid discomfort, including changing countries, jobs, and relationships more times than I care to remember. I was utterly exhausted from struggling with life, trying to force it to conform to my idea of how it should be.
In that moment of realisation, I was able to relax and release the energy of resistance that had built up in me. I began to notice all the times I would feel bothered and close my heart. This empowered me to keep my heart open and start living in the natural flow of life.
Insight #3: Presence
During the lockdown in 2020, I discovered the beauty of simply being and letting go of striving for goals. I immersed myself in nature and indulged in my passions for reading, art, and music while treasuring the experience of a slower pace of life and cherishing the people around me.
In nurturing my soul, I began to see my online business differently and realised I had been chasing a dream that no longer resonated with me. This pursuit had distracted me from my true longing—a life of simplicity and freedom.
I had convinced myself that I needed "financial freedom" and couldn't rest until I had secured a better future for myself and my family. But as time unfolded quietly and my awareness deepened, I found the joy, peace and fulfilment I had always wanted in the most unexpected place—the present moment. It had been here all along, but I hadn't noticed it because I was too focused on striving for a better future moment.
Gaining these profound insights didn't mean I was always happy, living in the flow, and mindfully present every moment—after all, I am human. But now, when I feel stress, I understand it comes from believing my stressful thoughts rather than from external events. When I'm upset about something that is or isn't happening, I recognize it as resistance to life's natural unfolding. And when I feel restless, it's often because I'm caught in the past or future of my thinking mind, rather than being present with what is here, right now.
This is the inspiration for everything I create because this kind of awareness is truly life-changing, and desperately needed for today's world.
Thank you for being here and for your willingness to explore yourself and new ways of living. It's an honour to connect with you and be a part of your journey of self-discovery and transformation!
With love,
“Your essential nature is already one of love and wisdom. Therefore, it is a matter of realizing, or waking up to, what is already here.”
~ Dr. Dicken Bettinger & Natasha Swerdloff, Coming Home